The circumferential DB formed a turning point.
DB recorded two wins and seven losses in the first round. It failed to show a performance like a favorite. Due to this, head coach Han Sang-min was dismissed. An uncommon thing happened to DB.
However, DB turned the tables in the second round. I can't be 100% satisfied, but it changed the mood. As a result, it's in and out of the playoff Maginot line. It's also formed the power to go to the top. 스포츠토토
# One, two, punch, and...
The reason why DB was evaluated as the favorite. Lee Sun- Albano (185cm, G) and Chinanu Onuaku (206cm, C) form one-two punch outside and under the basket, while Kang Sang-jae (200cm, F) and Kim Jong-kyu (206cm, C) form the front court.
Albano and Onuaku rebounded in the second round. Albano displayed 2-2 development and scoring ability, while Onuaku displayed dominance under the basket. Kang also recovered from his slump to some extent. He is playing a good role as a link between Albano and Onuaku.
Other Korean players, such as Seo Min-soo (196cm, F), Park In-woong (190cm, F), Lee Kwan-hee (191cm, G), and Kim Young-hyun (186cm, G), are also playing a role in their positions. As a result, the number of DB's available players has increased. Then, the DB's energy level was also raised. The DB, which raised its energy level, created turning points.
# KIM JONG KYU is away
DB's player base is so thick. Therefore, some gaps are not noticeable. This is why DB can play long-term races well.
However, Kim Jong-kyu (206cm, C) has been out for quite some time. Kim Jong-kyu boasts the highest height among DB domestic players. So Kang Sang-jae and Min-soo are crossing No. 3 and No. 4.
Of course, Kang Sang-jae and Seo Min-soo can run together, and the DB can expand the offensive space. This is because the shooting distance of the two players is long. However, there are not enough tall resources to replace the two players.
Kim Jong-kyu can also empty the court in the third round. Even so, there is no tall resource to replace Kang Sang-jae and Min Soo. This is why Kang Sang-jae and Min Soo's physical strength can drop faster than expected.
In addition, the height of Kang Sang-jae and Min Soo is not overwhelming. It is not that the under-the-goal dominance is great. Therefore, it may be difficult against a team with a high DB. This may be a concern for DB manager Kim Joo-sung.